When complete return to Next Steps page, Step 4 Get Appointed to complete product training
Yes, you need a separate account for Quantum and Universal Wealth.
You can use the same email, but you'll need a different password for each.
All data from your previous SureLC accounts will be imported.
*Please note if you were already registered with Quantum SureLC through Vantage you do NOT have to complete setup again, your login info will be the same (use the apply now button below to access the correct SureLC webpage). You can confirm you were move to Universal Wealth by clicking your initials in the top right corner, the company name should be displayed. You will need to reapply with the Quantum carriers to start the transfer process, process can take ~7-10 days. Also, keep in mind that Quantum appointments are JIT (just in time) so you will need to contact Quantum to activate carriers when you’re ready to write business.
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